“The Child Whisperer,” Chapri Johnson empowers youth and parents
Chapri Johnson is affectionately known as the “child whisperer” by her colleagues and administrators. She earned this title due to her ability to support families with their school aged children and by helping them manage stressful life experiences. She equips parents with tools and strategies that will allow them to help their children in the home, public, and social environments.
Chapri’s mission is to make parenting less stressful. A 32 year elementary educator, Chapri has the ability to empower children and parents to become strategic problem solving. Her passion for doing so led to her starting her business, Proactive Positive Parenting & Partners where she serves as a Youth Life Behavior Strategist and Parent Empowerment Coach. Her God given gift made her transition from teaching in a public school setting to becoming a behavior strategist and parent coach, easy. This service has allowed her to gift other families what was gifted to her.
Chapri describes the satisfying feeling that she gets when she is able to see the dramatic shift in a child’s behavior. She describes it as a “tremendous satisfaction and heartwarming feeling.”
Showing others how to do something that will change their lives and their futures while guiding them with systems and structures as they take on a new awareness is how Chapri leads. She feels that a leader builds on the strengths of others and helps enhance their ability to use those strengths in the future.
Chapri leaves us with these branding and leadership tips, “if you are truly desiring to walk in your divine purpose in life, seeks God’s face and allow Him to guide you through every aspect of what He is calling you to do. My goal is to add value to the lives of others.”
Be sure to connect with Chapri at ProactivePositiveParenting@gmail.com and at https://www.facebook.com/lannell.chapri?mibextid=ZbWKwL or https://www.facebook.com/groups/938863697304434/?ref=share_group_link
Written by Pamela D. Smith www.pameladsmith.net